SB 23 |
Amendment to Uranium Hexafluoride Gross Receipts more
Summary: Although SB23 (and HB70) made minor technical changes to existing tax deductions, the deductions are so massive and unique that they warrant the highest degree of transparency and oversight. At the very minimum, these tax deductions worth tens of millions of dollars—to a single uranium enrichment company owned by European governments—should have been amended to include a sunset clause of, at most, 10 years.
Outcome: Although CVNM was neutral on the underlying bill, we urged Representatives and Senators to support a sunset clause amendment. The amendment failed to pass the Senate (16-25), and was not heard in the House.
Support |
2012 |
SM 3 |
Opposition to Citizens United Ruling more
Summary: This memorial (and its companion HM4) express deep concern over the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC, and the inevitable flood of corporate money into elections—which is almost certain to drown out the voices of individual citizens. SM3 and HM4 urge Congress to propose a constitutional amendment that would effectively overturn the ruling.
Outcome: SM3 passed the Senate (20-9), and HM4 passed the House (38-29). Memorials and resolutions do not require action by the Governor.
Support |
2012 |
SB 30 |
Carbon Pollution Amendment more
Summary: The product of extensive negotiations among diverse stakeholders during the recent interim, HB360 and SB30 represented a consensus set of reforms to New Mexico’s administrative procedures for rulemaking.
Outcome: HB360 died in the House Judiciary Committee. SB30 was tabled on the floor by the sponsor (Keller) after the Senate adopted an amendment that would have hamstrung the state’s ability to reduce carbon pollution.
Oppose |
2011 |
SB 147 |
Publish Legal Notices on Websites more
Summary: Sometimes the only way that members of the public learn about proposed hearings in their community is through the notices that appear in the legal section of their community newspaper. SB147 would have changed the requirements to allow these important notices to be posted online on a central website instead. Although this would have been helpful as an additional notice requirement, the public is unlikely to check the website on a regular basis (not to mention the percentage of New Mexicans without access to the internet). Effectively, SB147 negated public notice requirements of hearings – a major disservice to New Mexicans.
Outcome: SB147 died in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Oppose |
E |
2011 |
SB 237 |
Colleges in Energy Efficiency & Bonding Act more
Summary: SB237 amends the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Bonding Act to allow post-secondary institutions to access resources for efficiency and renewable projects, and service the debt by dedicating 90% of their utility bill savings.
Outcome: SB237 passed both the Senate (30-3) and the House (66-0), but was pocket vetoed by the Governor.
Support |
2011 |
SB 394 |
Conserved Water Put to Beneficial Use more
Summary: SB394 would have merged two existing water conservation incentives to allow water rights holders to ‘double-dip’. Under current law, water rights owners can choose between two incentives for conserving water: putting the water to beneficial use (including selling or leasing it) or receiving a tax credit for the conserved water. This bill would have allowed owners to put conserved water to beneficial use while still collecting the tax credit, which essentially meant that taxpayers would have been paying an individual to reallocate water instead of conserving it.
Outcome: SB394 died on the Senate floor (19-20).
Oppose |
2011 |
HB 2/a |
General Appropriation Act of 2010 more
Summary: When the main budget bill was being debated on the Senate floor, this amendment was proposed to slash the budgets for the Environment (ED) and Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources (EMNRD) Departments by almost $6 million. These agencies have already suffered cumulative budget cuts (by the Legislature) disproportionate to those of almost any other agency. With enforcement already seriously compromised, more cuts would further jeopardize public health and safety – something our communities can ill-afford.
Outcome: The scored vote is on the amendment, which failed.
Oppose |
2010 |
SB 61 |
Petroleum Storage Tank Definition Changes more
Summary: To maintain state primacy in the regulation of petroleum storage tanks, and to avoid punitive measures by the federal government, New Mexico’s laws must be at least as stringent as federal law. HB81 (and its companion SB61) are ‘fixes’ that amend state statute to be consistent with federal law, allowing us to access millions of dollars in federal money to clean up underground storage tanks that threaten water quality. Similar bills failed to pass in prior years, so this is an important achievement.
Outcome: Passed both chambers and signed by the Governor.
Support |
2010 |
SB 115 |
Air Quality Control Permit Denial more
Summary: Under every major New Mexico environmental statute, the state has the authority to deny or revoke a permit for an egregious violator—with one exception: the Air Quality Control Act. The effect is that the worst of the worst rogue companies can pollute our air, giving our children asthma and our parents cancer, but we still can’t stop them from operating in our state. These measures would have rectified this injustice by authorizing the state to deny or revoke permits in instances where the applicant or permittee is guilty of specific bad acts.
Outcome: Defeated in both the House and the Senate.
Support |
2010 |
SB 186 |
Natural Heritage Conservation Act more
Summary: Each year, New Mexico misses out on tens of millions of dollars in federal funding for conservation projects, because we don’t have a fund set up for that purpose. SB186 establishes a fund — with no money attached — that could be used for habitat restoration projects and protection of water quality and quantity, working farms and ranches, forests and watersheds, recreational opportunities, and more.
Outcome: Passed both chambers and signed by the Governor.
Support |
2010 |
SB 195 |
Sunshine Portal Transparency Act more
Summary: One of the most significant barriers to civic engagement is the inaccessibility of government information. SB195 requires the state to develop, operate and maintain a publicly-accessible internet database that contains extensive information on state government budgets, expenditures and other financial records.
Outcome: SB 195 votes are Senate votes. Passed both chambers and signed by the Governor.
Support |
2010 |
SB 200 |
Public Building Energy Efficiency Standards more
Summary: A tremendous opportunity exists to save both energy and money in a badly stressed economy by ensuring that public buildings are energy-efficient. SB200 requires efficient design and operation of public buildings through the EPA’s Energy Star Certification program. A 1-2% initial investment premium in new and retrofitted public buildings recovered in two years of energy savings, and generates a 10-fold return on investment over 20 years.
Outcome: Passed both chambers and signed by the Governor.
Support |
2010 |
SB 303 |
Farmer Protection Act more
Summary: Across the country, biotechnology companies like Monsanto are filing lawsuits against farmers whose crops are contaminated by Genetically-Engineered (GE) seeds and pollen. SB 303 would have protected New Mexico farmers from liability when they accidentally come into possession of GE seeds, as well as from unreasonable and unannounced inspections of their private property. Moreover, the measure would have established New Mexico as the appropriate venue for any legal action - not Missouri or some other state chosen by the biotechnology company.
Outcome: Defeated in the Senate.
Support |
2010 |
HB 68 |
Non-Game Fish Capture or Killing more
Summary: HB68 expands the authority of the Game Commission to regulate the methods and devices used to capture non-game fish species. This bill is intended to reduce the application of cruel and wasteful killing techniques.
Outcome: Defeated in the Senate.
Support |
2009 |
SB 16 |
Underground Gas Storage Tank Compliance more
Summary: In order to maintain state primacy in the regulation of petroleum storage tanks, New Mexico’s laws must be at least as stringent as federal law. SB16 is a fix that amends state statute to be consistent with federal law, allowing us to access millions of dollars in federal stimulus money to clean up underground storage tanks that threaten water quality.
Outcome: Defeated in the House.
Support |
2009 |
SB 206 |
Water Quality Act Rulemaking Limits more
Summary: SB206 would put a stranglehold on water quality regulations, preventing agencies from meeting their responsibilities to protect public health, safety, and welfare. The bill prohibits the state from imposing conditions on discharge permits under the Water Quality Act. The result may be that permits will be issued without the necessary conditions to protect human and environmental health. Alternately, permits will simply be denied because the agency can't tailor the approval to reflect site or project-specific conditions.
Outcome: After negotiations, the bill was amended in the House Energy and Natural Resources Committee to the point that CVNM withdrew our opposition, but the votes scored re?ect the original, anti-conservation version. PASSED both chambers and signed into law.
Oppose |
2009 |
SB 249 |
Westland Tax Increment Project Bonds more
Summary: SB249 authorizes a massive ($408 million) bond issue to provide infrastructure to a sprawl development on Albuquerque’s west mesa. The bond would be serviced by diverting gross receipts tax revenues that would otherwise accrue to the state. Not only are these types of “greenfield” Tax Increment for Development Districts (TIDDs) bad public policy from a land use and water planning perspective, but they also deprive the Legislative and Executive branches from any oversight or discretion over the diverted revenues for more than 25 years.
Outcome: Defeated in the House.
Oppose |
2009 |
SB 249 (2) |
Westland Tax Increment Project Bonds more
Summary: In addition to the votes on SB249 (the bill itself), a second vote on SB249 in each chamber is included. In the Senate, the second vote is on a failed floor amendment offered by Sen. E. Griego that would have reduced the fiscal impacts of the measure – critically important at a time when state environmental agencies are facing severe budget cutbacks. The second vote in the House is on a failed procedural motion to reconsider the bill after the first vote failed.
Oppose |
A |
2009 |
SB 379 |
Off-Highway Vehicle Registration more
Summary: Recognizing the threats posed by irresponsible use of off-highway vehicles (OHVs) to private landowners and natural ecosystems, SB379 adds restrictions to the use of OHVs, adds penalty assessments for OHV violations, and makes the Department of Game & Fish responsible for the administration of the Act.
Outcome: Passed both chambers and signed into law.
Support |
2009 |
SB 391 |
Landowner Takings of Certain Animals more
Summary: Under current law, landowners can kill any wildlife if they pose an immediate threat to life, property, or crops. SB391 would restrict this authority to predators, including bears, cougars, and bobcats, and require that the Dept. of Game & Fish provide assistance to landowners to prevent or remedy property damage or physical harm resulting from predators or other wildlife.
Outcome: The scored vote is on the amendment, which failed. The bill was Defeated in the House.
Oppose |
2009 |
SB 420 |
Severance Tax Investment in Green Industries more
Summary: SB420 promotes state investment in New Mexico’s green industries by authorizing the State Investment Council to invest up to 6% of the market value of the Severance Tax Permanent Fund in qualifying companies.
Outcome: Defeated in the House.
Support |
2009 |
SB 540 |
Require Development Lease Notice & Bidding more
Summary: Along with its House companion (HB 606, sponsored by Rep. Steinborn), SB 540 is one of several bills that attempts to reform the policies and procedures of the State Land Of?ce to make them more objective and transparent. This measure requires the Land Commissioner to open up business leases of public land for real estate or development purposes to public notice and a competitive bidding process.
Outcome: Passed both chambers and signed.
Support |
2009 |
SB 548 |
New Emission Standards to Take Effect in 2015 more
Summary: SB548 (and its companion HB340) delay the effective date of New Mexico’s “clean cars” rule until 2015. Along with 13 other states representing roughly half of the American population and vehicle fleet, New Mexico has adopted sensible standards for vehicle emissions that are flexible for manufacturers, cost-effective for consumers, and help combat greenhouse gas emissions that are responsible for climate change. Delaying the implementation of New Mexico’s rule would be taking a step backwards while the rest of the country is moving forwards. Moreover, any effort to delay the rule should be pursued in the appropriate forum; CVNM’s understanding is that neither the Environmental Improvement Board (EIB) nor the Governor’s office has received a formal petition for an executive delay.
Outcome: Both bills passed, but were VETOED by Governor Richardson.
Oppose |
2009 |
SB 607 |
Water Quality Control Commission Members more
Summary: Dramatically altering the composition of the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC), SB607 reduces the membership of the commission from 14 to 5, and makes it entirely a public board. Currently, Secretaries (or their designees) of relevant agencies serve on the WQCC alongside public members. Eliminating these positions, while not requiring any qualifications of the public members, creates a political body ill-equipped to address the highly technical issues for which the WQCC is responsible.
Outcome: Defeated in the House.
Oppose |
2009 |
SB 732 |
License Application Time Frame Rules more
Summary: Introduced as a “dummy bill”, SB 732 requires that all state entities promulgate rules on time frames for the majority of their operations. This sweeping measure, if enacted, would have brought New Mexico government to a standstill, putting regulatory protections of public health and safety at risk.
Outcome: Defeated in the House.
Oppose |
2009 |
HB 276 |
SunCal Tax Increment Project Bonds more
Summary: HB 276 authorizes a massive ($629 million) bond issue to provide infrastructure to a sprawl development on Albuquerque’s west mesa. The bond would be serviced by diverting gross receipts tax revenues that would otherwise accrue to the state to spend on healthcare or education. These types of ‘greenfield’ Tax Increment for Development Districts (TIDDs) are bad public policy – not only for land use and water planning, but also from a fiscal perspective. House members’ votes are scored on the bill itself; Senators’ votes are scored on a procedural motion that allowed HB 276 to be withdrawn from its final committee and moved immediately to the Senate floor.
Outcome: Defeated in the Senate.
Oppose |
2008 |
HB 305 |
Utility Customer Load Management more
Summary: Efficiency is the most reliable, least expensive source of “new” energy. HB 305 amends the existing Efficient Use of Energy Act to establish mandatory energy efficiency targets of 5% by 2014 and 10% by 2020. Increased energy efficiency is a critical tool in the fight against global climate change.
Outcome: Passed both chambers and signed into law.
Support |
2008 |
SB 487 |
Abandoned Uranium Mine Reclamation Fees more
Summary: SB 487 creates the "abandoned uranium mine reclamation fund" through a fee on new uranium mining. The bill inappropriately ties cleanup of old mining sites to production from new uranium mines and mills, which many residents of impacted communities oppose. The fees would generate woefully insufficient revenues to address the problem, which could run into the billions of dollars. SB 487 is opposed by a broad array of environmental justice, Native American and conservation organizations.
Outcome: Passed both chambers, but VETOED by the Governor.
Oppose |
2008 |
SJM 17 |
State Engineer Review of Water Exports more
Summary: SJM 17 recognizes the threat posed to the Estancia basin by proposed groundwater exports to other basins, and encourages the State Engineer to ensure that applications to export water from the Estancia basin are supported by proof of need and lack of alternatives.
Outcome: Passed both chambers and signed.
Support |
2008 |
SJM 40 |
Study Off-Road Motorized Vehicle Use more
Summary: SJM 40 requests the appropriate state agencies to study and make recommendations for improved regulation of off-road vehicles in order to resolve user conflicts, prevent environmental damage and provide greater safety protections for users.
Outcome: Passed both chambers and signed.
Support |
2008 |
SM 49 |
Study Need for Agricultural Districts more
Summary: SM 49 requests a legislative interim committee to study the need to protect agricultural lands in New Mexico through the use of conservation easements, agricultural districts, limitations on the exercise of eminent domain powers, and other tools.
Outcome: Passed the Senate and signed.
Support |
2008 |
HB 318 |
Power Plant Mercury Emission Controls more
Summary: HB318 authorizes the Environmental Improvement Board to require use of the best available technologies to control mercury emissions from power plants.
Outcome: Passed both chambers and signed into law.
Support |
2007 |
HB 827 |
Surface Owners Protection Act more
Summary: HB827 provides property owners with some basic rights when oil and gas companies own the mineral rights below the surface of their land and helps protect landowners from irresponsible oil and gas operators.
Outcome: Passed both chambers signed into law.
Support |
A |
2007 |
SB 220 |
Eliminate Coal Surtax more
Summary: SB220 would eliminate the surtax on coal, which would provide a de facto $6.9 million subsidy to a thriving resource extraction industry. CVNM opposes this legislation.
Outcome: Passed both chambers, but pocket-vetoed by the Governor.
Oppose |
2007 |
SB 418 |
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards more
Summary: SB418 increases the existing renewable energy standard so that utilities must include 15% renewables in their portfolio by 2015, and 20% by 2020.
Outcome: SB418 passed the Senate (32-0), passed the House (43-18), and was signed into law .
Support |
2007 |
SB 489 |
Require Biodiesel in Motor Vehicle Fuel more
Summary: SB489 promote alternative vehicle fuels by requiring at least a 5% biodiesel component in diesel fuel by 2012.
Outcome: Passed both chambers and signed into law.
Support |
2007 |
SB 693 |
State Engineer Permits for Subdivisions more
Summary: SB693 would have strengthened state engineer evaluation of water availability for new subdivisions by reducing the assessment threshold from subdivisions of 20 parcels or more to subdivisions of 5 parcels or more, while also making the state engineer recommendations binding on county commissions.
Outcome: SB693 passed the Senate (33-1), but failed on the House floor (21-35).
Support |
A |
2007 |
SB 800 |
Campaign Reporting Requirements more
Summary: SB800 limits campaign contributions and requires reporting for independent expenditures.
Outcome: Defeated in the Senate on a vote to concur with House amendments. House members' votes are scored on the bill itself; Senators' votes are scored on the motion to concur with the House amendments.
Support |
2007 |
SB 845 |
Above Ground Storage Tank Definition more
Summary: SB845 would exempt tanks used by crop-dusting and crop-spraying services from regulations under the Hazardous Waste Act that apply to above ground storage tanks.
Outcome: Passed both chambers, but pocket-vetoed by the Governor.
Oppose |
2007 |
SB 1169 |
Declaration of Water from Deep Aquifers more
Summary: SB1169 would have improved water resource management by granting the State Engineer jurisdiction over water more than 2500 feet below the surface. Given improvements in drilling technology, accessing deep water has become more feasible, and the public should have some authority to manage its use.
Outcome: SB1169 failed on the Senate Floor (11-31).
Support |
2007 |
SJM 54 |
Study Need for Agricultural Districts more
Summary: SJM54 requested the appointment of a legislative interim committee to study the need to protect agricultural resources in New Mexico by creating agricultural districts, using conservation easements, limiting eminent domain or implementing other measures.
Outcome: SJM54 failed on the Senate Floor (19-19).
Support |
2007 |