HB 48/SB 24 |
Oil and Gas Royalty Rate more
Summary: Would have increased the maximum oil and gas royalty rate that the State Land Office could charge from 20% to 25%
Outcome: SB 24/HB 48 passed the House by a vote of 39-28, but died waiting to be scheduled in the Senate Finance Committee.
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E |
2024 |
SB 5 |
Firearms Near Polling Places more
Summary: Improves safety at the polls by making it a petty misdemeanor for New Mexicans without a concealed carry permit to bring a firearm within 100 feet of a polling location and within 50 feet of a ballot drop box
Outcome: SB 5 passed the Senate by a vote of 26-16 and the House by 35-34, and was signed into law by the Governor on March 4.
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2024 |
HB 4 |
Voting Rights Protections more
Summary: Sweeping reforms to increase access to the ballot for New Mexicans
Outcome: HB 4 passed through the House 41-26 and the Senate 27-14; signed by the Governor on March 30, 2023.
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2023 |
HB 184 |
State Game Commission Changes more
Summary: Updates the Game Commission to make it more stable and less politically volatile
Outcome: HB 184 passed through the House 45-21 and the Senate 34-2; not signed by the Governor and therefore pocket vetoed.
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2023 |
HJR 8 |
Legislative Salaries, CA more
Summary: Would have created a commission to study and recommend legislative salaries
Outcome: HJR 8 passed the House 40-24 and Senate Rules Committee, but died waiting to be scheduled in Senate Finance Committee.
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2023 |
SB 9/a |
Create Legacy Permanent Funds, floor amendment more
Summary: Would have unduly limited funding for state conservation programs
Outcome: SB9/a failed on the house floor 34-30.
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2023 |
SB 9 |
Create Legacy Permanent Funds more
Summary: Created permanent funding for key state conservation programs
Outcome: SB 9 passed through the Senate 33-7 and the House 54-11; signed by the Governor on March 23, 2023.
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2023 |
SB 53 |
Storage of Certain Radioactive Waste more
Summary: Prohibits establishments of nuclear waste storage in NM without state consent
Outcome: SB 53 passed through the Senate 21-13 and House 35-28; signed by the Governor on March 17, 2023.
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2023 |
HB 37 |
Community Energy Efficiency Dev Block Grant more
Summary: HB 37 creates new state grant program for low-income households, including requirements, selection criteria, administration; creates reporting requirement for public utilities related to energy efficiency efforts, due by end of 2023.
Outcome: HB 37 passed the House 44-24, and the Senate 26-14 and was signed by the Governor on February 28, 2022.
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2022 |
HB 164 |
Uranium Mine Cleanup more
Summary: HB 164 outlines Department of Environment duties for clean-up and reclamation of former uranium mine and mill sites; tasks other departments, offices, and agencies to collaborate (EMNRD, Indian affairs, office of natural resources trustee, state land office; depts. of fish and game, cultural affairs, health, workforce solutions, and economic development); duties include the development of a strategic plan and a mechanism for consultation and coordination with the federal government and directly impacted communities; requires annual reporting to the radioactive and hazardous materials committee and the creation of a Dept. of Environment uranium mine reclamation coordinator position; creates the uranium mining reclamation revolving fund; appropriates $350,000 general fund dollars to Dept. of Environment for FY23 for purposes outlined.
Outcome: HB 164 passed the House 64-0, and the Senate 26-0 and was signed by the Governor on March 1, 2022
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2022 |
SB 14 |
Enacting the Clean Fuel Standard Act more
Summary: SB 14 establishes a state clean fuel standard aimed at reducing the carbon intensity of transportation fuels used in NM; sets specific reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions - 20% of 2018 levels by 2030, 40% by 2040; outlines related rules NMED must implement within two years of the bill's effective date; creates a credit system and a clean fuel standard fund in order to fund the administration of the clean fuel standard.
Outcome: SB 14 passed the Senate 25-16, but failed and died on the House Floor.
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2022 |
SB 144 |
Intimidation of Election Workers more
Summary: As amended, SB 144 would have made significant steps towards modernizing and securing New Mexico's electoral process.
Outcome: SB 144 passed the Senate 38-0, and the House 39-30, but failed on concurrence.
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2022 |