HB 41 |
Clean Transportation Fuel Standards more
Summary: Establishes a market for alternative fuels to reduce carbon pollution from the transportation sector
Outcome: HB 41 passed through the House by a vote of 36-33 and through the Senate 26-15. It was signed into law by the Governor on March 5, 2024.
Support |
2024 |
HJR 7 |
Commission on Legislative Salaries, CA more
Summary: Would have allowed voters the opportunity to amend the state constitution and approve the creation of a nine-member citizen commission to set legislative salaries
Outcome: HJR 7 passed House Government, Elections & Indian Affairs Committee and the House Judicial Committee, but ultimately died.
Support |
2024 |
HB 37 |
Community Energy Efficiency Dev Block Grant more
Summary: HB 37 creates new state grant program for low-income households, including requirements, selection criteria, administration; creates reporting requirement for public utilities related to energy efficiency efforts, due by end of 2023.
Outcome: HB 37 passed the House 44-24, and the Senate 26-14 and was signed by the Governor on February 28, 2022.
Support |
2022 |
SB 114 |
Community Energy Efficiency Development Grant more
Summary: SB 114 created the community energy efficiency development block grant fund to provide grants to counties, municipalities, or Indian nations, tribes or pueblos to fund community energy efficiency projects for low-income and underserved communities.
Outcome: SB 114 died in the Senate Finance Committee.
Support |
2020 |
HB 210 |
Community Solar Act more
Summary: HB 210 (and its companion SB 281) established rules for community solar facilities and specifically reserved a portion of shares for low-income customers. The bills would have allowed renters, low-income utility customers and persons without suitable locations for solar generation on their premises to participate in local solar generation facilities by allowing subscription in community solar generation. This would have stimulated the growth of the solar industry and expanded the number of New Mexicans who have access to solar energy.
Outcome: HB 210 passed the House 42-25 and passed the Senate Conservation Committee, but died on the calendar of the Senate Judiciary Committee. SB 281 died in the Senate Conservation Committee (never heard).
Support |
2019 |
HB 9 |
Community Solar Act more
Summary: HB 9 provided for the establishment of a phased-in community solar program to facilitate the development and interconnection of community solar facilities. It also created a low-income assistance fund to benefit low-income subscribers. This would have stimulated the growth of the solar industry and expanded the number of New Mexicans who have access to solar energy.
Outcome: HB 9 passed out of committee but failed in the House 28-36.
Support |
2020 |
SB 84 |
Community Solar Act more
Summary: SB 84 increases access to renewable energy resources by creating a subscriber-based community solar program.
Outcome: SB 84 passed the Senate 27-14 and the House 44-3. The bill was signed by the Governor on April 5, 2021.
Support |
2021 |
SB 9 |
Create Legacy Permanent Funds more
Summary: Created permanent funding for key state conservation programs
Outcome: SB 9 passed through the Senate 33-7 and the House 54-11; signed by the Governor on March 23, 2023.
Support |
2023 |
SB 9/a |
Create Legacy Permanent Funds, floor amendment more
Summary: Would have unduly limited funding for state conservation programs
Outcome: SB9/a failed on the house floor 34-30.
Support |
2023 |
SB 462 |
Create Outdoor Recreation Division more
Summary: SB 462 creates a division of outdoor recreation in the Economic Development Department. It establishes that the Outdoor Recreation Division will (1) increase outdoor recreation-based economic development, tourism and ecotourism; (2) work to expand outdoor recreation infrastructure; (3) assist in the promotion and marketing of outdoor recreation opportunities and events; (4) assist New Mexico residents in establishing outdoor recreation-based businesses and connecting them with economic development resources and opportunities; (5) recruit out-of-state based outdoor recreation businesses to locate in New Mexico; (6) promote stewardship and preservation of New Mexico's unique environment and cultural assets; (7) promote education and use of outdoor recreation assets to enhance public health; and (8) support outdoor recreation programs at New Mexico educational institutions. The bill also establishes the Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee, the Special Projects and Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Fund and the Outdoor Equity Grant Program and Fund.
Outcome: SB 462 passed the Senate 38-0 and passed the House 52-14. The bill was signed by the Governor on April 2, 2019.
Support |
2019 |
HB 220 |
Determination of Discharge Effect on Water more
Summary: HB 220 would have made technical changes to the law to clarify that discharges’ effect on ground water shall be determined at the place where the discharge enters groundwater, and state and federal groundwater standards shall apply throughout the aquifer affected by the discharge. This was a legislative fix for the "Copper Rule" which currently allows copper mines to exceed groundwater discharge limits.
Outcome: HB 220 died on the calendar of the House Judiciary Committee.
Support |
2019 |
HB 291 |
Efficient Use of Energy Act Changes more
Summary: HB 291 establishes thresholds for energy efficiency programs which, at minimum, save 5% of energy costs to customers. The bill also provides for the removal of regulatory disincentives to energy efficiency programs.
Outcome: HB 291 passed the House 58-7 and passed the Senate 27-13. The bill was signed by the Governor on April 3, 2019.
Support |
2019 |
HB 76 |
EIB Permit Denial for Poor Performance more
Summary: HB 76 allows the Environmental Improvement Board to revoke permits for projects if companies refuse to disclose information, misrepresent material facts, have prior court convictions, operate without a permit, or have a previous revocation.
Outcome: HB 76 passed the House 42-26 and the Senate 23-15. The bill was signed by the Governor on April 6, 2021.
Support |
2021 |
SB 456 |
Electric Utility Resource Procurement more
Summary: SB 456 specified rules for procurement of sources of electricity generation. It specified that sources may be independently owned. It also required an independent evaluator to monitor the procurement process in the case of a new source of electricity.
Outcome: SB 456 died in the Senate Corporations and Transportation Committee on a do pass motion that failed.
Support |
2019 |
HB 217 |
Electric Vehicle Income Tax Credit more
Summary: HB 217 established an income tax credit for the purchase of an electric vehicle, and capped the electric vehicle value at less than $48,000 MSRP. It also established an income tax credit for the installation of electric vehicle charging stations. This bill could have encouraged the sale of affordable electric vehicles and encouraged the development of vehicle charging infrastructure.
Outcome: HB 217 passed the House 40-27 and passed the Senate 23-13. The House failed to concur with the Senate amendments due to filibuster and the bill died.
Support |
2020 |
SB 14 |
Enacting the Clean Fuel Standard Act more
Summary: SB 14 establishes a state clean fuel standard aimed at reducing the carbon intensity of transportation fuels used in NM; sets specific reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions - 20% of 2018 levels by 2030, 40% by 2040; outlines related rules NMED must implement within two years of the bill's effective date; creates a credit system and a clean fuel standard fund in order to fund the administration of the clean fuel standard.
Outcome: SB 14 passed the Senate 25-16, but failed and died on the House Floor.
Support |
2022 |
HM 29 |
Energy Operating Bonding Amounts more
Summary: HM 29 would have supported future policy and required energy producers to post adequate surety bonds for cleanup from their operations.
Outcome: HM 29 passed out of committee but died on the House calendar.
Support |
2020 |
HB 201 |
Energy Storage System Tax Credit Changes more
Summary: HB 201 allowed a taxpayer to claim a tax credit for up to 40% of the cost of an energy storage system, up to $5,000.
Outcome: HB 201 died in the House Taxation and Revenue Committee.
Support |
2020 |
SB 489 |
Energy Transition Act more
Summary: SB 489 sets a statewide renewable energy standard of 50% by 2030 for New Mexico investor-owned utilities and rural electric cooperatives and a goal of 80% by 2040 that investor-owned utilities must meet, subject to cost and reliability considerations. In addition, the bill sets zero-carbon resources standards for investor-owned utilities by 2045 and rural electric cooperatives by 2050. The bill establishes a pathway for an energy transition in the Four Corners area while providing relief to workers in San Juan County affected by the closure of coal units. The bill provides for training for these workers and uses low-interest bonds to finance economic relief for communities dealing with closures and directs that replacement power, including renewables, be developed in San Juan County as a means of restoring the community’s tax base.
Outcome: SB 489 passed the Senate 32-9 and passed the House 43-22. The bill was signed by the Governor on March 22, 2019.
Support |
2019 |
HB 185 |
Enviro Standards for Appliances & Fixtures more
Summary: Updates home appliance and fixture efficiency standards
Outcome: HB 185 passed through all House committees, but died waiting to be scheduled on the House floor.
Support |
2023 |
HB 51 |
Environmental Database Act more
Summary: HB 51 creates a centralized, map-based, searchable website to provide various geographic data, information on public health, wildlife status, and other interrelated environmental and energy industry data in order to enhance transparency and interagency cooperation.
Outcome: HB 51 passed the House 44-25 and the Senate 29-12. The bill was signed by the Governor on April 7, 2021.
Support |
2021 |
HB 206 |
Environmental Review Act more
Summary: HB 206 would have required non-federal government agencies to consider the impacts of a state-funded project that may affect public health, ecosystems and the environment. The bill specified that environmental assessments must be done and provided for input from indigenous communities and the general public.
Outcome: HB 206 died on the calendar of the House State Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee as sponsors were making technical changes to the bill.
Support |
2019 |
SB 5 |
Firearms Near Polling Places more
Summary: Improves safety at the polls by making it a petty misdemeanor for New Mexicans without a concealed carry permit to bring a firearm within 100 feet of a polling location and within 50 feet of a ballot drop box
Outcome: SB 5 passed the Senate by a vote of 26-16 and the House by 35-34, and was signed into law by the Governor on March 4.
Support |
2024 |
HB 289 |
Fund Investment in Renewable Energy more
Summary: HB 289 provided that no less than one percent of the market value of the severance tax permanent fund be invested in New Mexico renewable energy.
Outcome: HB 289 passed the House 43-19 and passed the Senate Conservation Committee, but died on the Senate Finance Committee calendar.
Support |
2019 |
HB 299 |
Improvement Special Assessment Act more
Summary: HB 299 authorized special assessment programs to be authorized to support energy efficiency, renewable energy, water conservation, resiliency, and other implements. It would have also provided more financial tools for homeworkers to make households more energy efficient.
Outcome: HB 299 passed the House 42-26, but died in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Support |
2021 |
SB 144 |
Intimidation of Election Workers more
Summary: As amended, SB 144 would have made significant steps towards modernizing and securing New Mexico's electoral process.
Outcome: SB 144 passed the Senate 38-0, and the House 39-30, but failed on concurrence.
Support |
2022 |
HJR 8 |
Legislative Salaries, CA more
Summary: Would have created a commission to study and recommend legislative salaries
Outcome: HJR 8 passed the House 40-24 and Senate Rules Committee, but died waiting to be scheduled in Senate Finance Committee.
Support |
2023 |
SB 8 |
Local Government Air Quality Regulations more
Summary: SB 8 allows state agencies and local boards to adopt rules that ensure a maximum ozone concentration of 95 percent of the national ambient air quality standard for ozone. It also allows the state to adopt rules that are stronger than current federal standards.
Outcome: SB 8 passed the Senate 23-15 and the House 39-29. The bill was signed by the Governor on April 8, 2021.
Support |
2021 |
HB 218 |
Low-Income Public Utility Rates more
Summary: Would have allowed utilities to propose special lower rates for low income New Mexicans.
Outcome: HB 218 passed out of its House committees, but died waiting to be scheduled on the House floor.
Support |
2023 |
HB 255 |
Mining Permit Corporate Guarantees more
Summary: HB 255 required that financial assurance for mining operations must be filed by the original applicant and could not be a guaranteed by an affiliated corporation or person. The bill would have prevented the shifting of costs to affiliated entities who may have contested requirements for reclamation.
Outcome: HB 255 was pulled from the House Calendar and re-referred to the House Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Committee where it died on the calendar.
Support |
2019 |
HB 265 |
Natural Resources & Lands Protection more
Summary: HB 265 offered technical fixes to the Natural Lands Protection Act and Natural Heritage Conservation Act to allow state agencies to directly acquire and manage lands, and conservation and restoration-focused nonprofits to apply directly for restoration and conservation funding.
Outcome: HB 265 passed the House 40-29, but died in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Support |
2021 |
HB 373 |
New Mexico Central Arizona Project Entity more
Summary: HB 373 would have created the New Mexico Central Arizona Project entity, along the same boundaries of Catron, Hidalgo, Luna and Grant counties. It would have given the entity authority to plan, design, build, operate and maintain the New Mexico unit of the Central Arizona Project water projects and would have given it bonding authority. This would have helped reinforce the authority of the NM Cap Entity, thereby creating a more robust (and potentially un-needed) agency to carry out an underfunded, unnecessary and unpopular diversion project on the Gila River, even though it would not have had the authority to plan it independently.
Outcome: HB 373 was tabled and died in the House Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Committee.
Oppose |
2019 |
HB 318 |
Oil & Gas Tax Changes more
Summary: HB 318 created a temporary tax rate differential for oil produced by a qualified recovery project that uses anthropogenic carbon dioxide to displace oil. This legislation would have effectively been a tax cut for the oil and gas industry when they used enhanced recovery methods.
Outcome: HB 318 was tabled and died in the House Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Committee.
Oppose |
2020 |
HB 48/SB 24 |
Oil and Gas Royalty Rate more
Summary: Would have increased the maximum oil and gas royalty rate that the State Land Office could charge from 20% to 25%
Outcome: SB 24/HB 48 passed the House by a vote of 39-28, but died waiting to be scheduled in the Senate Finance Committee.
Support |
2024 |
HB 521 |
PRC Application for Vehicle Electricity more
Summary: HB 521 requires public utilities to file applications to expand transportation electrification, i.e., charging facilities for electric vehicles. HB 521 makes rules for the approval of these applications, including the facilities' ability to meet clean air standards and inclusion of low-income people and communities.
Outcome: HB 521 passed the House 45-17 and passed the Senate 22-12. The bill was signed by the Governor on April 3, 2019.
Support |
2019 |
HB 11 |
PRC Reorganization & Transfer Duties more
Summary: HB 11 would have turned existing Public Regulation Commission (PRC) advocacy staff into two entities: a Commissioner Resources Division to supplement PRC commissioners and hearing examiners in their understanding, and a separate Office of PRC Regulatory Affairs housed in New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department that would advocate in the public interest. The bill also included some staff restructuring to provide some continuity for existing PRC staff.
Outcome: HB 11 passed the House 36-34, but was tabled and died in the Senate Corporations and Transportation Committee.
Support |
2020 |
SB 76 |
Prohibit Coyote Killing Contests more
Summary: SB 76 prohibits organized or sponsored competitions with the objective of killing coyotes for prizes or entertainment.
Outcome: SB 76 passed the Senate 22-17 and passed the House 37-30. The bill was signed by the Governor on April 2, 2019.
Support |
2019 |
HB 353 |
Reduce Certain Oil & Gas Tax Rates more
Summary: HB 353 reduced the tax rate for oil produced from a low production “stripper” well by specifying the baseline cost of a barrel of oil used to calculate the rate at which it is taxed and reduced the tax on what is valued below that baseline. The oil and gas industry does not need additional tax payer funded tax breaks to be profitable.
Outcome: HB 353 was tabled and died in the House Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Committee.
Oppose |
2019 |
HB 28 |
Resource Sustainability and Security Act more
Summary: HB 28 would have created a sustainability and resilience council that would have developed a government wide plan to (a) ensure the long-term sustainability and resilience of New Mexico and its infrastructure and resources; (b) prepare the state for climate change; (c) reduce the vulnerability of natural and built systems, economic sectors, natural resources and communities to risk; (d) promote long-term water and energy resource security; and (e) support state economic development and diversification. The council would have provided guidance to state agencies and worked with stakeholders in creating agency plans and accomplishing the goals of the plan.
Outcome: HB 28 passed the House 40-23 and passed the Senate Conservation Committee, but died in the Senate Finance Committee.
Support |
2019 |
HB 440 |
Solar Energy Improvement Assessments more
Summary: HB 440 provides that a customer may voluntarily request a solar energy improvement special assessment be applied to their property in order to access the benefits of solar technology. The bill provides that these assessments may be applied on residential or commercial property within the boundaries of an incorporated municipality in a county if the municipality adopts a resolution approving the application of the county’s ordinance.
Outcome: HB 440 passed the House 35-28 and passed the Senate 31-8. The bill was signed by the Governor on March 28, 2019.
Support |
2019 |
SB 29 |
Solar Market Development Income Tax Credit more
Summary: SB 29 reinstates and extends the tax credit for residential and commercial construction of solar systems and establishes an aggregate cap. This incentivizes installation of solar thermal and photovoltaic systems and utilizing renewable resources to produce energy.
Outcome: SB 29 passed the Senate 33-6 and passed the House 51-19. The bill was signed by the Governor on March 3, 2020.
Support |
2020 |
HB 263 |
State Game Commission Changes more
Summary: HB 263 established requirements and qualifications for the members of the State Game Commission to lessen the politicization of the commission and established professional qualifications for four of the seven members.
Outcome: HB 263 passed the House 45-20 but was tabled and died in the Senate Rules Committee.
Support |
2019 |
HB 184 |
State Game Commission Changes more
Summary: Updates the Game Commission to make it more stable and less politically volatile
Outcome: HB 184 passed through the House 45-21 and the Senate 34-2; not signed by the Governor and therefore pocket vetoed.
Support |
2023 |
SB 53 |
Storage of Certain Radioactive Waste more
Summary: Prohibits establishments of nuclear waste storage in NM without state consent
Outcome: SB 53 passed through the Senate 21-13 and House 35-28; signed by the Governor on March 17, 2023.
Support |
2023 |
HB 15 |
Sustainable Building Tax Credit more
Summary: HB 15 extends and expands the sustainable building tax credit and adds incentives involving LEED. The existing tax credit is applied to construction begun prior to 2021 and completed by the end of 2021.
Outcome: HB 15 passed the House 48-22 and the Senate 29-6. The bill was signed by the Governor on April 6, 2021.
Support |
2021 |
SB 112 |
Sustainable Economy Task Force more
Summary: SB 112 establishes a task force that will develop a strategic plan and identify ways to develop a sustainable economy with diversified revenues, especially for communities dependent on natural resource extraction.
Outcome: SB 112 passed the Senate 25-16 and the House 40-25. It was signed by the Governor on April 5, 2021.
Support |
2021 |
HB 164 |
Uranium Mine Cleanup more
Summary: HB 164 outlines Department of Environment duties for clean-up and reclamation of former uranium mine and mill sites; tasks other departments, offices, and agencies to collaborate (EMNRD, Indian affairs, office of natural resources trustee, state land office; depts. of fish and game, cultural affairs, health, workforce solutions, and economic development); duties include the development of a strategic plan and a mechanism for consultation and coordination with the federal government and directly impacted communities; requires annual reporting to the radioactive and hazardous materials committee and the creation of a Dept. of Environment uranium mine reclamation coordinator position; creates the uranium mining reclamation revolving fund; appropriates $350,000 general fund dollars to Dept. of Environment for FY23 for purposes outlined.
Outcome: HB 164 passed the House 64-0, and the Senate 26-0 and was signed by the Governor on March 1, 2022
Support |
2022 |
HB 206 |
Utility Affordability & Relief Act more
Summary: HB 206 prevented utility services from being disconnected for customers impacted by Covid-19, created a bill relief program, and funds for low-income household energy efficiency efforts.
Outcome: HB 206 passed the House 39-31, but died in the Senate Finance Committee.
Support |
2021 |
HB 4 |
Voting Rights Protections more
Summary: Sweeping reforms to increase access to the ballot for New Mexicans
Outcome: HB 4 passed through the House 41-26 and the Senate 27-14; signed by the Governor on March 30, 2023.
Support |
E |
2023 |
HB 121 |
Water Right Lease Effective Date more
Summary: Would require State Engineer to stop issuing "preliminary approvals" for water use, allowing communities opportunity to weigh in or object
Outcome: HB 121 passed through all House committees, but died waiting to be scheduled on the House floor.
Support |
2023 |
HB 200 |
Water Trust Board Projects & NM Unit Fund more
Summary: HB 200 prevents NM Unit Fund monies from being used on any diversion of the Gila River and redirects funding to meet water supply demands in the southwest water planning region of New Mexico.
Outcome: HB 200 passed the House 43-24 and the Senate 26-15. The bill was signed by the Governor on April 5, 2021.
Support |
2021 |
SB 32 |
Wildlife Conservation & Public Safety Act more
Summary: SB 32 bans the use of non-essential traps, snares and wildlife poisons on public lands in New Mexico.
Outcome: SB 32 passed the Senate 23-16 and the House 35-34. The bill was signed by the Governor on April 5, 2021.
Support |
2021 |
HB 366 |
Wildlife Protection and Public Safety Act more
Summary: HB 366 prohibited the use of traps and poisons designed to kill animals on public land and established penalties for violations.
Outcome: HB 366 was tabled by the House for technical reasons and died there.
Support |
2019 |
SB 75 |
Wildlife Trafficking Act more
Summary: SB 75 made trafficking of animal species threatened with extinction a misdemeanor and establishes penalties and enforcement guidance.
Outcome: SB 75 passed the Senate 22-9 and passed the House 42-22. The bill was signed by the Governor on March 9, 2020.
Support |
2020 |