2008 SJM 21 Enact Federal Public Lands & Education Act

CVNM Position:
Joseph Carraro
Thomas A. Anderson
Effective Government
Environmental Justice
Legislative Info:
SJM 21 on nmlegis.gov »


SJM 21 and HJM 29 support the enactment of the Federal Public Lands & Education Act in Congress. The Act is an anti-public lands bill urging the disposition of federally-owned land in the West. Although the stated intent is to help generate revenues for education, the sponsors and proponents of the federal legislation are strident opponents of public lands, not advocates on behalf of education.


SJM 21 was DEFEATED in the Senate, and HJM 29 was DEFEATED on the House floor.

How Legislators Voted on SJM 21

  • = Pro Conservation Vote
  • = Anti Conservation Vote
  • A = Absent
  • E = Excused
  • R = Recused
  • W = Abstain
Legislator Party District Office Conservation
Feldman, Dede (D) D 13 Senator 2008
Grubesic, John (D) D 25 Senator 2008
Jennings, Timothy (D) D 32 Senator 2008
Lopez, Linda M. (D) D 11 Senator 2008
McSorley, Cisco (D) D 16 Senator 2008
Adair, Rod (R) R 33 Senator 2008
Carraro, Joseph (R) R 23 Senator 2008
Cravens, Kent (R) R 21 Senator E 2008
Duran, Dianna (R) R 40 Senator 2008
Komadina, Steve (R) R 9 Senator 2008