2008 SB 57 Regulatory Process Task Force

CVNM Position:
Bernadette Sanchez
Environmental Justice
Legislative Info:
SB 57 on nmlegis.gov »


SB 57 is one piece of a legislative package that constitutes a major assault on New Mexico’s regulatory process. Heavily lobbied by corporate special interests, SB 57 establishes a task force to review the regulatory structure of New Mexico. However, the composition of the task force – as well as the work the task force would conduct – is skewed towards big industry, instead of the public interests that our regulatory process is designed to protect.


Defeated in the Senate.

How Legislators Voted on SB 57

  • = Pro Conservation Vote
  • = Anti Conservation Vote
  • A = Absent
  • E = Excused
  • R = Recused
  • W = Abstain
Legislator Party District Office Conservation
Ortiz y Pino, Gerald (D) D 12 Senator 2008
Taylor, James (D) D 14 Senator 2008
Snyder, H. Diane (R) R 15 Senator 2008
Robinson, Shannon (D) D 17 Senator 2008
Boitano, Mark (R) R 18 Senator 2008
Sanchez, Bernadette (D) D 26 Senator 2008
Ingle, Stuart (R) R 27 Senator 2008
Nava, Cynthia (D) D 31 Senator 2008
Griego, Phil A. (D) D 39 Senator 2008
Duran, Dianna (R) R 40 Senator 2008