2010 HJM 32 Enforce Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Act

CVNM Position:
Don Tripp
Wildlife & Habitat Conservation
Legislative Info:
HJM 32 on nmlegis.gov »


Irresponsible use of Off-Highway Vehicles (OHVs) poses major threats to wildlife and ecosystems, private property, and the safety of their riders. This joint memorial lacked any attempt at balancing the need for training youth on OHV safety with educating parents and children about the dangers of OHVs -- the mortality and injury rates among youth riders in particular. Of greater concern is that the memorial sought to shift resources from critical enforcement activities to training programs that are already widely offered.


Defeated in the House.

How Legislators Voted on HJM 32

  • = Pro Conservation Vote
  • = Anti Conservation Vote
  • A = Absent
  • E = Excused
  • R = Recused
  • W = Abstain
Legislator Party District Office Conservation
Barela, Elias (D) D 8 Representative 2010
Chavez, Ernest H. (D) D 12 Representative 2010
Cote, Nathan "Nate" (D) D 53 Representative 2010
Gonzales, Roberto "Bobby" J. (D) D 42 Representative 2010
Lundstrom, Patricia A. (D) D 9 Representative E 2010
Martinez, Rodolpho "Rudy" S. (D) D 39 Representative 2010
Saavedra, Henry "Kiki" (D) D 10 Representative E 2010
Thomas, Jack (D) D 60 Representative 2010
Crook, Anna M. (R) R 64 Representative 2010
Espinoza, Nora (R) R 59 Representative 2010
Hamilton, Dianne Miller (R) R 38 Representative 2010
Powdrell-Culbert, Jane E. (R) R 44 Representative 2010
Tripp, Don (R) R 49 Representative 2010
White, James P. (R) R 20 Representative 2010