2018 HB 87 Solar Market Development Income Tax Credit

CVNM Position:
Debbie A. Rodella
Patricio Ruiloba
Carl Trujillo
Energy & Climate Change
Legislative Info:
HB 87 on nmlegis.gov »


HB 87 would have allowed taxpayers to take up to a 10% tax credit for installing thermal or photovoltaic solar systems, for both residential and business installations. It established a $5 million aggregate cap for the amount of tax credits taken in a year, but did not separate out residential and business installations. It was simpler than HB 36, but would have accomplished the same goal of promoting the use of renewable energy.


HB 87 died in the House Taxation and Revenue Committee. Its companion, SB 79, passed both the House and the Senate.

How Legislators Voted on HB 87

  • = Pro Conservation Vote
  • = Anti Conservation Vote
  • A = Absent
  • E = Excused
  • R = Recused
  • W = Abstain
Legislator Party District Office Conservation
Youngblood, Monica (R) R 68 Representative E 2018
Trujillo, Jim R. (D) D 45 Representative 2018
Trujillo, Carl (D) D 46 Representative 2018
Ruiloba, Patricio (D) D 12 Representative 2018
Rodella, Debbie A. (D) D 41 Representative 2018
Powdrell-Culbert, Jane E. (R) R 44 Representative E 2018
Lewis, Tim D. (R) R 60 Representative 2018
Lente, Derrick J. (D) D 65 Representative 2018
Herrell, Yvette (R) R 51 Representative 2018
Gomez, Bealquin "Bill" (D) D 34 Representative 2018
Baldonado, Alonzo (R) R 8 Representative 2018